Three Terrifying Monster Stories

Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo coming to your from the lighthouse in Sandcastle, California. Tonight I have for you some very spooky creepypastas. I suggest you cover up and turn off the lights and turn up the volume.

Check out the stories that I write by subscribing to Splatterday Nightmares on YouTube. Every Saturday night at 6:00 PM Pacific we sit by a campfire and listen to my haunted tales of horror and mayhem. Visit www.splatterdaynightmares to subscribe.

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Now let’s begin…

The Lurker

by Death Skullz

(Original Story)

It wasn’t that long until middle school started. I, Ethan Adamson, just got out of elementary school. I was scared to go to 6th grade. New homework, teachers, and bullies were what I was afraid of, but all that was nothing compared to “it”.

We had just moved into our new town, Jamesville. Everything was different from our old town. But there was something more terrifying and ferocious than I would ever experience.

My first encounter with “The Lurker” was when I spent my first night in Jamesville. During a thunderstorm, I was sleeping on a pallet made of blankets in my new room because we hadn’t put my bed in my room yet. Around 1:00 at night, I was awoken by my closet creaking open. Then a lightning strike nearby lit up my room, revealing the thing that opened my closet door. It was tall. It was so skinny that you could almost see every bone in its body. But the most horrific part was its face. Its teeth were sharp-looking and white and it smiled like an insane person would. But it had no eyes. just empty eye sockets. It looked at me and let out a screech I will never forget.

It was dark in my room again. But then another lightning night strike lit up my room and there he was, standing over me and looking down at me on my pallet. I let out a scream, which made the monster vanish as if it were never there.

My second encounter was less frightening. I was with my mother and my older brother, Victor, in the car driving to my grandmother’s house. It was during the night but it wasn’t raining this time. Our grandmother lived out in the country so we had to drive down a road that cut through a forest. Strangely, the engine died. My mom tried to restart the car. I looked out the car window into the forest and I saw it coming towards the car. It was getting closer and closer and then it was right at the opening of the forest. I screeched in terror.

“Calm down, I got it to work.” Mom said as she drove off.

I looked back where the monster was but it had vanished like it had when I first saw it. My mom and brother didn’t even notice it.

We arrived at our grandmother’s house within 30-40 minutes. As we pulled into her driveway, I burst through the car door and ran into the house. Strangely the door was already open. I began to search for my grandmother. I went into the living room, only to find her brutally murdered on her recliner chair. Blood was everywhere. She had been mutilated and beaten to death. But whoever or whatever had killed her, left scratches on her face, carving a smile.



The Beast

by Gears in Motion

(Original Story)

I… I don’t know what to do anymore. Being a farmer down in the rural end of Missouri, life gets a little lonely. I only had three friends, all farmers. My wife died ten years ago of a disease, and it’s hard to combat the loneliness alone. Income hasn’t been so great lately; something has been attacking my livestock. They are my main source of income, and I’ve been going into debt. I met up with some of my friends at the local bar, the only place that still runs in this dump of a town.

“What do you mean killed?” asked Joseph.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Paul. “Animals don’t just die for no reason.”

“I swear, they just died out of nowhere!!” I exclaimed. “They have deep, saw-like cuts on their head and the rest is just whatever it was that it didn’t want to eat. I have no idea what it is.”

“Well, we can’t help you,” said Josiah. “We have to keep the coyotes out of our farms too.”

“Thanks for the help, guys,” I said and then stormed out of the bar.

I never realized how late I end up being out some nights, I swear. I got home around midnight and walked into my house. I ate some chips then I walked up to my bedroom and just passed out.

I heard howling, unlike any animals I’d ever heard. It sounded… unworldly. Like it was from a different planet, maybe even a different universe. It sounded like six thousand screams from the lowest pit of hell echoing through my ears. I smashed open my gun cabinet and pulled out my rifle. I ran over to my barn and climbed the ladder. I sat on the roof waiting for that little coward to attack my animals. I heard the howling again. It was tearing up my prize cow. I climbed down to get within range of whatever was killing my animals. I would have no mercy against what had made my life a living hell for the past few months.

I walked up to the gates of my cow area. I shouted out cat calls towards it, and I heard the howl again. Closer; at least ten feet away from me. It flew with amazing speed, making ten feet look like ten inches in a second. I saw it. It was a huge, black beast that easily towered ten feet crouching. It twitched naturally, and very frantically. It had mangled, pitch black fur covered in blood and entrails. The musky smell of blood rang throughout the air. The beast’s claws easily reached two feet. His blue eyes flared like headlights; I was the deer caught in them. I looked down the barrel of the gun, and got a clear shot towards its head. I was trembling, the sweat coming off my head like a waterfall. I shot it directly in the head, and it got smacked to the ground for a second. It stood up, and the bullet left no damage. In fact, it barely tore the skin. I looked in horror as the beast lunged at me. I ran, as fast as I could. I was tackled, and clawed across the face.

I grabbed my gun two inches from me and I shot it again, at close range. I felt the shell fall back down on me as the creature stared at me, unharmed and fully aware that I was trying to harm it. It took its giant palm and smashed my face in, then clawed it. The monster picked me up with his teeth, and I blacked out.

I don’t know where I was at now. It was dark, and the smell of dead animals was intense. I saw multiple bloody carcasses on the floor, ranging from raccoons to foxes. I tried to stand up, but then I looked down. A huge, gaping hole on my side was visible and I couldn’t describe the pain I was in. I inched towards what I thought was light and I saw freedom, but I was deep in the woods.

I had started to slide down an incline, and then the slide went from just sorta sliding to flying down the incline at 20 mph. I slapped a tree with my face then lay down on the ground in pain. I continued to slide, then I heard the beast-from-Hell’s call again. It was close. This time, I was sure I was going to die.

The creature hovered over me, and just lifted me up and threw me against a tree. I slid, trying to escape, but I was just lifted up and thrown on the ground, then stomped on. I was praying for death, but the creature wouldn’t let me go out the easy way. The beast reached down, and screamed in my face. I watched as three more monsters walked near me. I witnessed in fear as they howled, and more showed up. At least now I knew there wasn’t only one of those things.

I tried to stand up and run, but as soon as I tried to stand up I was smacked in the back by one of the monsters. I was rolled over, and I stared into the eyes of the animals that planned to murder me. I stared into their eyes for three brief seconds. The light flooded my eyes; my god the light was bright. They took their sharp, two feet long claws and dug them into my eyes. I felt every single twitch, push and tingle. I screamed, and then nothing. I felt absolutely nothing.

I shouldn’t have messed with these things, I know I shouldn’t have. My vision was restored, but I felt all the pain I felt back when I was alive. My body stung, everywhere. I don’t get how people got the idea of clouds and golden gates and all that. It’s just a pitch black forest. There’s nothing up here. Only the constant howls of The Beast in the distance. For those who meet death, get prepared. It’s just a hunting game. Welcome to Hell.



by Welcomed Dread

(original story)

It’s quiet in the dark, damp basement. The walls are covered in dancing lights, wonderful hues of blue and white. The television is on, the sound down low as to not wake anyone. I’m sitting on the couch, a tattered, ugly green object that has been lost to time. It smells faintly of mold, and a few small rodents scurried out from under it when I sat down.

On the tube, people are talking, dancing. It appears to be a recording of a wedding, perhaps for a family friend. The picture is low quality, very fuzzy. The tape is no doubt old, it was in the machine when I turned the television on. I stare, transfixed. The people, despite the horrible picture, are wonderful looking. Beautiful, even.

“Beautiful,” I whisper, smiling.

A noise upstairs, the sound of someone walking down the stairs, makes me jump, and I stand quickly and quietly, slowing my breathing even though I know they can’t hear me. With one hand I shut off the television, and now every inhale and exhale sounds as loud as a fan blowing air directly in one’s ear. I creep to the bottom of the stairs, still alarmed. I’m not supposed to be down here, and it’s late. Perhaps the family heard me or maybe it’s an intruder.

This new thought strikes terror into my heart, and the pumping and thudding in my ears grows louder as my pulse races. My breathing quickens, despite all my attempts to be quiet, and I know that if they were to open the door up there they would hear me and my cover would be blown. Almost panicking and ready to bolt, I step on the lowest stair and begin to climb, praying that none of them creaks.

I’m almost to the top when one of them does, a creak so loud that it surely woke half the block, let alone anyone in the house. I hear shuffling on the other side of the door; padded feet scurrying about through the room. A female voice calls out, calling for a man or perhaps a boy. It does not matter, the name is not mine. I freeze where I stand, raising my hand to strike. If the door opens.

Slowly but surely it creeps open, keeps opening, and the woman on the other side is not scared yet, she’s not screaming yet, and I understand that the shadows are hiding me from sight, but then she flicks the switch for the stairway light and I attack, swinging my hand towards her face as hard as I can. Her eyes go wide and her mouth opens in a surprised O shape a split second before her head goes flying and her body crumples to the ground, blood pumping out of her neck and flowing across the floor and pooling at my feet. In my panicked state, I’d hit her so hard that I decapitated her. That coppery smell fills my nose and my heart rate becomes steady. There is not a single sound in the house, not even a mouse. I step into the room and flip the switch for the light, closing the door behind me, once again submerged in complete darkness.

I reach down and run my fingers through her long brown hair, picking up her head and raising it to eye level. Smiling, I run my long, wet tongue over her cheek, tasting her sweet white flesh. I nibble her parted lips with my sharp teeth, savoring her. “Beautiful,” I croak. “So beautiful.”

I wonder who else is upstairs.

Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed these stories, please head on over to the website at and make a comment. You can also find me on social media at @spookyboorhodes or Spookybooscarystorytime. That’s all for tonight. I’ll see you in your nightmares.

Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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