Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo. Tonight I have for you 3 freaky stories about Ouija Boards. One of these stories I made up, the other two were sent into the program. I’d love to know which one you think I wrote. Let me know by making a comment on the YouTube channel. Oh, by the way, for now, I’ve renamed the YouTube channel to Nightmare’s Mistress although you can still find it by searching for Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time or preferably by searching for Nightmare’s Mistress. Simply searching for Spooky Boo will not find my channel most of the time now. The podcast remains the same.
Before I begin I’d like to thank my listeners and Patreon members including madjoe, PA Nightmares, Ivy Iverson, John Newby, Patrick, and If you would like to support the show by joining Patreon or by buying merchandise, visit

A Quick Game of Disaster
It was a dark summer afternoon with a rare summer storm going through town that gave Natasha and Deb the idea to pull out the ouija board. Back then the Ouija Board was a game sold through a toy company and many people bought it without thinking twice about what it meant. Of course, a game board is just a game board until someone actually invokes a spirit through some sort of incantation. Most people don’t realize they’re doing just that when they start toying around with the game.
The girls searched for the darkest room in the house which ended up being the bathroom. They sat cross-legged on the floor while lighting a candle and leaving the door open just a crack. With their hands resting delicately on the planchette, they started the ritual–moving it around in circles calling upon spirits they didn’t know. Neither of them had any close relatives who died so they just called upon anything that might answer.
The girls felt the coldness of the wind outside blowing into the room. They laughed a little and continued their game. The candle flickered a little, giving off the eeriness of a seance.
“Who are you?” Natasha said in a calm voice.
The planchette jerked to the word No in the upper corner.
“You did that!” Natasha laughed as she pointed a finger at Deb.
“Yeah OK, you got me!” Deb blurted out, laughing.
They put their hands back on the plastic triangular object and moved it around in circles calling for whatever might be listening. Just then the door slammed shut and a breeze blew out the candle sitting next to the board. Natasha looked up at the bathroom window and realized it had been shut the whole time. They ran around the house checking all of the doors and windows and realized there was no way a breeze could have moved anything at any time because nothing was open.
That night, after Deb went home and Natasha laid quietly in bed alone waiting to fall asleep, she noticed the door to her bedroom closet slowly opening. The room suddenly grew cold enough to see her own breath. As she breathed out, she could see a silhouette of a face through her breath. It moved closer to her as she tried to back away. The putrid smell of its mouth moved inches from her and it whispered, “I’m here to stay.”
It quickly dissipated into the air and left Natasha with her heart beating so fast she thought she would die. She didn’t sleep for the next week sending her to the hospital with a bit of temporary psychosis. After that, she never slept in her room again and never heard back from the spirit that haunted her. Years later, after her parents sold the house, a renter died in the same room.

Ouija Board Stalker
I know it sounds like a pretty weird title, but it is exactly what happened. My friend was spending the night and we decided to get out my parents’ Ouija Board. Stupid right? We did a lot of stupid things when we were kids. We thought nothing of it, it was a game by a company.
We went down to the basement and lit a few candles then started saying some pretty silly lines. We had no idea what to do as the directions were gone and all we knew were what we saw on tv shows. We’d ask it questions about boyfriends and potential boyfriends and stupid girl things. Most of the answers were the other person answering in some way like “He loves you” or “He hates you” and the standard yes or no. We knew we were goofing off and doing it until we both felt the pressure on the planchette that neither of us created.
It wanted to move to different letters that weren’t related to the questions we were asking. At one point it spelled out K-I-L-L-E-D and D-I-E. Against my better judgment, I asked it, “Who are you?”
“I see you,” I repeated what it said and then we saw a shadow move across the wall. I wanted to just toss the damn thing in the garbage but then it moved our hands again.
“I-N-T-H-E-W-I-N-D-O-W” it spelled out without either of us pushing the planchette.
We both looked up at the little basement window and saw someone in a hoodie staring at us from outside. We couldn’t see his eyes or his face, just blackness like smoke swirling around in circles under the hood. The hoodie was a modern sweatshirt type hoodie not like Death or anything. We heard a laugh from outside the window and then a scraping noise like someone was trying to get in.
My friend and I screamed and ran up the stairs, leaving the board behind and the candles still lit. I guess maybe we either hit one of the candles as we ran out because the basement caught on fire. Luckily my parents walked in the door just then and my dad put the fire out before the house went up in flames.
I guess it could have been someone stalking us through the window but then how did the board know what to say? We didn’t even know he was there until the board told us. Perhaps it was some spirit warning us there was a creeper watching us? Or maybe the creeper was the spirit and controlled the board to scare us.
My parents called the cops telling them there was some weirdo looking into basement windows but they never caught anyone doing it. Some families were also robbed that night. Sometimes I wonder if I should have thanked whatever was in the board for warning us, but to this day we don’t know if it was the guy controlling the board or a spirit.
We never touched the Oujia Board or went into that basement again.

Death by Asphixation
One time my friends and I decided to play with an Ouija Board against the better judgement of my overly religious mom. I probably should have listened to her though. We brought it into the house and she yelled at us telling us we had to remove it from the home immediately and that it was evil. At the time I didn’t believe it, I thought it was just a game. My friend, being into the occult, said it was more than that and I thought I’d entertain her and spook her a bit with some fake stuff.
We snuck it back into the house while Mom was sleeping and brought it into my room. She lit a candle for protection saying that a white candle was probably best and then we sat down and started asking questions while moving the planchette around in a circular motion. I was trying to think up something to say when we started to smell something like a BBQ. I blew out the candle thinking it was the fumes from the wax but it didn’t go away.
We continued to play thinking it was probably just something at a neighbor’s house. I woud ask questions and my friend would giggle and answer them. It wasn’t until we started asking about spirits in the house when the planchette started to move on its own. It suddenly spelled out LEAVE OR DIE and the smell of the BBQ got worse. My eyes started to blur and burn. Suddenly we could barely breathe and started choking and coughing on the air. We crawled out of there coughing so much that my mom woke up and found us shuddering in the living room. She asked what had happened and we told her. Althoug she couldn’t smell anything and was not affected, she was very concerned. She was so mad at me for bringing that board back into the house, but was very concerned about what happened because after she opened all of the windows even though she couldn’t smell anything she still called the fire department who eventually gave us an all clear. Then she told us a story.
Before we bought the house a lonely man who lost his family lived there. He couldn’t pay his electric bill so he started a BBQ in one of the rooms without opening a window. No one really knows if he didn’t know it was dangerous or if he was trying to end his pain. He started it in the family room next to my room. The vent was open between the two rooms but not outside so when he put the lid on the coal to die out, the fumes went into his room and killed him where he died in his sleep.
After that, we moved. We couldn’t sell the house for more than what she bought it for which was really cheap because of the man who died and it remains empty as an abandoned house. No one will live there and I will never go back.

The Girl With the Knife
I grew up in an older house where it was rumored that a girl who became severely depressed because of her sister’s death lived. The rent was really cheap because no one wanted to live there as it was assumed haunted. My mom and dad closed off her room and used it as storage but they never told me why. When we heard noises in there, usually scratching noises, they would tell me it was probably an animal like a rat or mice and they would take care of it.
I told my friends about it and they then told me the story of the 13 year old girl who was mentally deranged. People said it was depression but my friends said the secret is that she wasn’t depressed and that she had killed her sister then her parents locked her in her room so no one would find out. After that, I was really curious about what really happened so I started investigating the home.
I found out that a girl lived there named Clarice Bennington. The papers said she had died from the flu and was survived by her mom, dad, and her sister Janice. There was nothing about Janice being ill or even dying. All other information about the family and Jance just vanished. I asked around the school and none of the teachers would even talk about it. I was called into the office and they said I need to stop spreading rumors and let old stories die out. I couldn’t let the happen. I was way too curious so I felt the only place to get information was from Janice herself if she had in fact died there. She didn’t have a grave marker with the family plot in the local graveyard or anything. People thought she had just eventually moved away.
I brought my friends over when my parents went out of town one night. Usually, I was good and followed their rules, but tonight I had to know. We moved all of the boxes out of the storage room, the room that was supposedly Janice’s room. There I found scratchings on the walls that were new, something my parents would probably blame rats for even though we’ve never had a problem anywhere else in the house with any animals rats or not! We took out the Ouija Board and lit some candles. We didn’t know what we were doing, just did what we saw on TV and movies.
We were all sitting on the floor moving the planchette around and I said, “Janice Bennington, I call to you to come forth. Tell us what happened to you.”
At first, nothing happened. I kept repeating the same thing while my friends were giggling. Then the scratching started. It was on the wall near the window overlooking the garden. It carried on across the wall to the wall on the right then on our left. I asked, “Is that you, Janice?”
At once the candles blew out and we heard a laugh in the darkness. My friend screamed saying something ran its fingers through her hair then another one cried out that someone pulled her hair. She then ran out screaming. Across the room from by the window, we could see a faint face of a girl wearing a nightgown. She was carrying a large kitchen knife in one of her hands and laughing. We ran out of the room and started tossing the boxes back in so fast that it made a huge mess. I got into so much trouble going in there after my parents found out.
My friends never came back to my house and I promptly moved out when I turned 18. My parents still live there and never have problems. I guess Janice must have just hated girls her sister’s age.
Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed these stories make a comment on youtube or the social media site where you found the link. You can even comment on the website at or the YouTube channel at Send in your own stories using the form or the mailing address at to be considered. You can also call them in a message of up to 3-minutes at 707-SPOOKYB, that is 707-776-6592 and it or your comments and letters might be played on the live Saturday nights on YouTube.