Three Creepy Stories About Strange Beings #Creepypasta


Let’s get spooky!

Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo coming to you from the lighthouse in Sandcastle, California. Tonight I have for you 3 spooky stories about strange beings. These 3 creepypasta stories will have you wondering what is real and what isn’t!

I have several different podcasts and YouTube channels related to the paranormal and horror. To find what you enjoy visit my main website at where you can get notified of all updates to all of my podcasts or for a commercial free version, join my Patreon at

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Now let’s begin…

We’re All Alone


It’s been days since you’ve talked to anyone, and you’re starting to feel alone. You rise from the computer chair you’ve been spending the majority of your time on, and you think that maybe you’re overdue for a walk outside. You grab your jacket and step outside into a wonderful spring morning. A gentle breeze rolls across your face, and you inhale deeply, taking in the fresh air. Feels good to be outside, you think to yourself, and with that thought, you take off on your walk.

After ten minutes or so of walking, you get a feeling there’s something missing. Yet, you simply can’t think of what it is. You continue walking as you ponder on what could be missing. Then, like a brick wall, it hits you. You haven’t seen anyone. Sure, it is morning, but you’d think there would be at least a few people outside.

You then begin to think, What if I’m all alone? What if there is no one but me? You become worried and start searching frantically for someone, anyone. You then notice a calendar hanging on a wall through an open window of a house. It’s Sunday! You chuckle to yourself for being so quick to coming to such an outrageous conclusion. Everyone must be at church, or sleeping in, and enjoying their Sundays.

You then begin to walk to the nearest church. You want to confirm that there is someone else living, even if you being the last human alive is absurd. You just want to check, just to be sure. As you continue walking, you begin to feel as if someone is watching you. You turn your head to either side, then you look directly behind you.


Your voice cuts through the silence of the morning, startling you slightly.

“Is anyone there?”

You receive no reply, nor do you hear any sounds other than your own breathing. “I’m just being paranoid”, you say to yourself as you continue walking towards the church. As you continue, you still can’t shake the feeling someone is watching you. Still, you keep walking. You’d feel better if people were around you. Soon you come across the church. Not a single car is there.

“Maybe everyone walked,” you choke out, fear already filling your body.

You start up the stairs leading to the large double door entering the church. You push them aside, and your eyes move across the pews. Not a single person. No one. Your breathing gets heavier, and you rush out of the building. “Maybe, just maybe, the calendar was wrong? Maybe someone’s at the market?”

You rush down the street towards the local market, as you run, the feeling of being watched returns. You run faster than before, adrenaline pumping through your veins.

You see the market in the distance, and you can see the OPEN sign flickering. You reach the doors and throw them open, along with yourself. Nothing. Completely empty. You drop to your knees, and tears begin to dribble down your face as you whisper to yourself;

“I’m all alone…”

“No,” you turn to see a rotted face smiling down at you. “We’re alone.”

The Quiet Car

by Parlour

“And you’re sure you don’t need me to come with you?  I can get a hotel room for the weekend, leave you and all your corporate friends in peace for your ‘team building retreat’.”

“I’ll be alright baby, I promise.”

“You sure? Scott, you just got over-”

“I know, but this… this weekend will be good for me. If I start to panic, if I feel another attack coming on-”

“You call me right away.”

“I call you right away.”

Lana grinned at her husband, his bags in hand as he prepared to board the speedline.

“Sometimes, Scott,” she teased, “I think you’re too stupid for your own good. But I love you anyway.”

He smiled back at her as the train doors slid open behind him.

“Stupid is as stupid does,” he shot back, “I love you too.”

They kissed briefly before Scott stepped away, ushering himself into the shortly departing speedline.

All he wanted to do was put the events of the past week behind him. His mounting stress at work, his string of anxiety attacks…

That’s over with, he reasoned with himself as he found a seat,This weekend will be better. It will.

He pushed himself to the end of an empty row of seats, curled up against the window, and slipped on his headphones as he prepared for the long ride ahead of him.

It was about an hour or so into his travel when Scott’s attention was finally drawn away from his music, which had been blaring in his ears nonstop since the train began moving. His attention had been captured by the window of the door to the next car over. More particularly, he was curious about what was reflected in the door’s window; pitch blackness.

He swiveled his head around, careful not to alarm the other passengers, and craned his neck to see into the window of the door behind him. All the lights were off, and there seemed to be no noise at all emanating from the car. Even the quietest of train cars creaked and groaned with the rest of the train; this one was as still and quiet as the deadest hour of night. Something about it, some unknown immediate instinct put a pit in Scott’s stomach when he saw this.

I guess there’s no sense in keeping the lights on if there’s no one in there, Scott rationalized, probably cutting costs by turning lights off if the car is unoccupied.

This train of thought peaked Scott’s curiosity, and he slowly rose from his seat, moving between standing poles as he approached the door. When he got close enough, he peered intently into the darkness, eager to prove his notion that the car truly was unoccupied.

A creeping sense of unease began to set in as he clearly made out the silhouette of a person sitting in the last row of the car. Their features were indistinguishable from that far away, but he could easily make out a human figure that sat utterly still, as if waiting for the lights to come back on.

Scott looked to his right, noticing that a young woman was occupying the seat closest to where he stood; total stranger or not, he didn’t want to be alone on this.

He tapped her shoulder softly, beckoning towards the door as she slowly wheeled around.

“Uh… yeah?” she asked confusedly.

“I’m sorry for bothering you,” Scott apologized, “but don’t you think it’s a little weird that somebody’s sitting in the dark?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Here, come see.”

Hesitantly, the woman stood and approached the door.

“What do you mean ‘in the dark?’” she asked after taking a look through the window.  “There’s… There’s nothing wrong with that car.”

“Wait…” Scott asked slowly, “what’s normal about that pitch blackness? And that man sitting in there-”

“Listen,” she said sharply, “I don’t know if this is one of those ‘on the street’ pranks, but I’m too tired to get the joke, and honestly I’m too tired to care. And for your information, ‘that man’ is sitting in the quiet car, and I’m sure they don’t appreciate being gawked at from the window.”

She sat back down in a huff, leaving Scott standing alone. He took another look at the car, and it was still as dark as he had seen it last.

This time, the lone passenger had moved up a row.

His unease beginning to melt into genuine fear, Scott’s mind raced to think of some solution to this predicament.

I’ll- I’ll get off at the next stop, he planned as he began to gather his things, packing his phone and headphones away. No. All this is… All this is your brain trying to get to you. You’re stronger than this. Breathe in, breathe out. You’re ok.

Finally sitting back down, Scott’s mind finally reached a solution, if not a somewhat odd solution.  When the train reached its next stop, Scott exited the car along with several others. Then, looping back into the crowd of new boarders, took a new seat several cars away from the quiet car. Now, with the threat physically distanced from him, his anxious mind could begin to quiet down once more.

He breathed a sigh of relief as the train picked up speed once more, his destination growing ever closer with each passing minute.

“You’re ok now,” he whispered quietly to himself, “whatever is in the quiet car is just your imagination. There’s no reason to get anx-”

Scott didn’t know why he had turned around. Perhaps he was attempting to quell his fear through visual example; to show himself that, at a distance, it was very obviously all in his head.

All he saw in the window behind him was the same pitch blackness. Since his departure, it had crept its way up the cars.

It was creeping up on him.

Scott’s breathing grew rapid and out of control, and his hearing began to fade as his mind slowly started closing in on itself.

No! He lashed out against his anxious mind. It’s not real! It’s not- It’s not-

His rapid breaths quickly turned to hyperventilation, and he could feel the itch of his clothes against his body. His senses were working overtime, and it was driving him further down the spiral of panic.

“Call Lana,” he mumbled to himself, “I’m having a… gotta call…”

He patted his pockets, only to find them empty. He suddenly remembered that he had packed his phone away when he attempted to flee at the last station.

His bags were in the former car, right where he had left them.

He stood abruptly, moving to the back of the car as he swayed from the train’s motion. He pressed his face against the window, and recoiled in horror.

The man in the quiet car was standing right in front of the window, pressing his unseen face against it from the other side. The man, whose entire body remained obscured in shadow, beckoned for Scott to join him in the darkness.

“No…” Scott whispered, “No! I won’t go in there! I won’t!”

The other passengers began to turn their heads towards Scott concernedly. The figure on the other side of the window seemed to shake his head regretfully before disappearing into the darkness of the car.

Scott slowly backed away from the window, murmuring and quietly raving to himself. Somebody rose from his seat in an attempt to help guide him, but he batted them away. He didn’t need their help.

He sat down, his eyes bleary with fear and anxiety, his mind devoid of all thoughts. The idea that this was all some anxiety-driven hallucination was shattered, and his mind was unable to derive any more solutions for the problem.

Suddenly, something happened in the car that wore down the final of Scott’s mental walls; if he had previously accepted the gravity of the situation, this heralded his acceptance of fate.

The lights in the car, if only for a second, flickered out.

Before any of the passengers had time to react, the car was engulfed in darkness. Amidst the cries of confusion and annoyance, Scott sat quiet through it all. He stared straight ahead, too afraid to lay eyes on the new passenger who had appeared in the seat right next to his; the tall, shadowy figure that seemed ever so eager to meet him.

He could see it reaching for him in the reflection of his window; its hand was gnarled and clawed, and it felt cold as it clasped onto the back of his neck.

With its free hand, the figure made a gesture to Scott; a simple gesture, followed by an even simpler noise, the only noise in the car that had grown as deathly still as the quiet car.


Before I get to the next story I’d like to thank my listeners and Patreon members including madjoe, PA Nightmares, Ivy Iverson, John Newby, Patrick, and If you would like to support the show visit my website at

Welcome to the H20 Network members listening on their new iPhones. You too can get a cool new iPhone from


by GreyOwl

We all have felt like we were being watched. Maybe it was while you were walking down a darkened hallway. Perhaps it was during a trip to the bathroom as you stared at the closed shower curtain ahead of you. You felt that sensation. A sensation that gnaws at you and secretes paranoia. But I don’t believe it’s paranoia. No, it’s much worse than that.

See, I have a theory. A theory most would immediately rule a conspiracy. I believe those sensations are never without a cause. You know the feeling you get while walking down a poorly lit alleyway on a Friday night after parting ways with your entourage? That feeling… it’s our radar. Our radar telling us we are in danger. From what? It depends. It could be a mugger. Sure. A rapist. Maybe. A serial killer. Perhaps. But sometimes it’s something much more horrifying.

Some say the greatest evil is unexplained. It lurks in the darkness, feeding on your paranoia as you look around the room for an explanation. Most of the time, there is an explanation. They make it that way. They’ll easily corrupt the air conditioner or trigger a flicker of the lights to ease your mind. They want you to believe they aren’t there.

The moment you believe in them, they take you out before you can spread the word. Before you can ruin their survival. They need your paranoia. They tear into it, licking their fingers once they’ve devoured it.

These past few days, I’ve been scared of my own shadow. Even when my ponytail brushes against my bare back, I flinch in fear of one of those things being behind me. When the sun lays against the horizon, I cry. There is no feeling more ominous than knowing the shadows you cannot control could become the gateway for… Them.

I wanted to write this to warn you. I know they’re after me. I can feel it in my gut. Your instinct is never wrong. I sleep with all of my lights on but they have been toying with me for days now. The blueish rings under my eyes confirm I need to sleep. I. Need. Sleep. But every time I close my eyes, I feel them. The hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up, and chills move down my arm in unison.

Right now, I’m fighting the urge to turn around. If I do, I know what’s going to happen. They don’t like when you see them. From my peripheral vision, I see the silhouette of one now. They’re dark, gnarled creatures. Taller than any human being I’ve ever seen. It’s scratching at the walls, viciously. It wants me to look at it.

Just when I ready myself to turn in the direction of the creature, a loud knock captures my attention. I know it’s toying with me. It’ll wait for me to walk towards the door, kick on my air conditioner which creates a loud thumping sound, and it’ll be standing right where my eyes dart in inquisition of the frightening sound it had created. Though I wanted nothing to do with its malevolent plans, I chose to do exactly what it wanted me to do. I walked down the darkened hall, grabbing the bat I placed at the doorway of my bathroom before turning the corner.

Once I made it into the living area in which my front door was located, I noticed the swaying door before me. Instinctively, my body began to quiver as I contemplated it standing behind me, smiling at my foolish actions.

There was something behind me.

I could feel it. Lurking in the darkness. Waiting for me to turn around.

So, with one simple pivot, I mustered up every ounce of power, connecting the bat with a hard-enough surface to crack the baseball bat in half. I laughed, hysterically. Yelling out obscenities as all of my fear melted away.

“What did you do?!” I heard from behind me.

I turned to see my brother standing in the doorway, holding what appeared to be grocery bags. His eyes widened with shock and fear. Due to his reaction, I flicked on the lights. Sheer shock apprehended my once joyous demeanor. It was my mom laying there, her head caved in from the blow.

She shouldn’t have been here. They must’ve known.

Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed these stories head on over to my website at and make a comment or find me on social media under the name spookyboorhodes or spookybooscarystorytime. I’d love to hear your comments.

That’s all for tonight. I’ll see you in your nightmares.


Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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